“Your Aging Brain Will Be in Better Shape If You’ve Taken Music Lessons”
Mar 20, 2014
1 min read
This is an article that was sent to me by a parent of a student featured on the National Geographic.
Couple of excerpts from the article are here:
A growing number of studies show that music lessons in childhood can do something perhaps more valuable for the brain than childhood gains: provide benefits for the long run, as we age, in the form of an added defense against memory loss, cognitive decline, and diminished ability to distinguish consonants and spoken words.
Still other studies have shown an increase in the volume of white matter. Such findings speak to the brain’s plasticity—its ability to change or adapt in response to experience, environment, or behavior.
To view the full article visit: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/01/140103-music-lessons-brain-aging-cognitive-neuroscience/?rptregcta=reg_free_np&rptregcampaign=20131016_rw_membership_r1p_us_dr_w#